Monday, May 27: OSE Alumni Association received Serge Klarsfeld

At a weekly meeting of the Association of OSE Alumni and Sympathizers, Serge Klarsfeld was invited to schmooze with its numerous members.

Maurice Michower, Honorary President of the Alumni group and Jean-Bertrand Schalfen, Vice President, were present alongside many friends and Alumni of OSE.

Patricia Sitruk, Director General of the OSE, wished Serge Klarsfeld a warm welcome to the Georges and Lili Garel Center, which hosts the weekly activities of the Association of OSE Alumni and Sympathizers, chaired by Claude Rosenthal, and is also home to the headquarters of the OSE.

Serge Klarsfeld first wished to remind the assembly that he, himself, is a former child hidden by the OSE, at the Château du Masgelier which he recalled. He presented his exemplary fight for memory, and the colossal lifetime work done with his wife Beate. He willingly engaged in a warm and sometimes intimate exchange with the audience, most of them being former hidden children who share a common story and destiny.