Procès des attentats de janvier 2015 : nos pensées se tournent vers les victimes et leurs proches.

Alors que la nouvelle année 5781 s’ouvre tout juste, les auditions des victimes de l’attentat de l’hyper cacher ont débuté ce lundi 21 septembre lors du procès qui se tient depuis le 2 septembre.

Cette période de recueillement et de retrouvailles pour les fêtes de Tichri, nous donne une nouvelle occasion de tourner nos pensées vers toutes les victimes des attentats de Charlie Hebdo, de Montrouge et de l’Hyper cacher, et vers tous leurs proches.

Puisse la nouvelle année nous faire progresser sur le chemin de la fraternité et de la solidarité.


Retrouver ici la chanson de Renaud, « Hyper Cacher ».



L’OSE, 20 ans d’engagement au service des personnes âgées atteintes de la maladie d’Alzheimer.

L’édition 2020 de la Journée Mondiale de la maladie d’Alzheimer marque un anniversaire important pour l’OSE, celui de l’ouverture de son tout premier Accueil de Jour à Paris, le centre Edith Kremsdorf.


20 ans aujourd’hui que l’OSE innovait en matière d’accompagnement des personnes atteintes de la maladie d’Alzheimer en ouvrant le premier établissement parisien dédié à nos aînés atteints par la maladie.

20 ans d’engagement à leur service et celui de leurs aidants afin d’offrir soins et répit.

20 ans de développement constant afin d’accueillir et de soigner toujours plus de malades, soit aujourd’hui 3 Accueils de Jour parisiens – dont un à Paris 3e, un à Paris 12e et un à Paris 15e, mais également un Accueil de jour à Sarcelles, un autre à Strasbourg et deux plateformes de répit dédiées aux aidants.







Mais cette édition 2020 de la Journée Mondiale de la Maladie d’Alzheimer a une résonance particulière en raison de la pandémie liée à la COVID-19. Aujourd’hui plus que jamais, nous devons renforcer l’accompagnement et les soins que nous portons à nos aînés.

C’est l’une des missions essentielles qui a animé nos équipes de professionnels depuis les débuts de la crise sanitaire à la mi-mars : des premières heures du confinement jusqu’au déconfinement progressif, elles n’ont eu de cesse de s’adapter afin de poursuivre leur mission.


C’est pourquoi nous tenons une fois encore à les remercier chaleureusement pour leur travail remarquable et continu au service de nos aînés atteints par la maladie d’Alzheimer.


Cérémonie à la Mémoire des Martyrs de la déportation : pour que nul n’oublie !

Dimanche 13 septembre, la Cérémonie à la Mémoire des Martyrs de la déportation s’est déroulée à la Grande Synagogue de la Victoire en présence du Garde des Sceaux, du Ministre de l’Intérieur, de la Maire de Paris.

Anciens déportés, jeunes des mouvements de jeunesse, représentants des institutions juives, élus et représentants de l’État se sont recueillis autour du Président du consistoire, Joël Mergui, du Grand Rabbin de Paris, Michel Gugenheim, et du Grand Rabbin de France, Haïm Korsia, en mémoire et en hommage aux martyrs de la Shoah.


Haïm Korsia évoquant la force de vie des Survivants Elie, Ginette, Milo et tous, a rappelé « […] ils sont notre famille, […] nous avons besoin d’eux pour maintenir le monde en alerte ».


The OSE continues to strengthen its action in the fields of disability and old age.

The OSE was designated relay of the national support hotline for people with disabilities and their caregivers, in the context of the COVID-19 crisis.

The Regional Health Authority and the City of Paris have appointed the OSE to be the relay throughout Paris for the national hotline for people with disabilities and their family caregivers in difficulty or without immediate solution in the context of the health crisis and its consequences.

Relying on our PHARE respite platform, the team is made up of pathway counselors together with social action experts, psychologists and medical professionals. The coordination of this team is ensured by Sophie Kharouby – Director of our PHARE respite platform.

Since Monday June 22, the national hotline aims to put callers in touch directly with support actors near them, who coordinate themselves in order to provide them with appropriate solutions.

Also accessible to hearing impaired people, this device offers the following solutions:

> Assistance in resuming care and support interrupted during the lockdown;

> Respite or relay solutions at home for family caregivers;

> Reinforced support for more complex needs or for problems aggravated by the crisis.

The team, in conjunction with the Departmental House of Handicapped Persons of Paris (MDPH), will mobilize all the skills of those involved in supporting the community, united to build solutions with families, and respond to the needs generated by the health crisis in order to offer:

> Access to healthcare;

> Respite solutions;

> Reinforced support in the event of a complex situation;

> Support for children with disabilities entrusted to Social Assistance to Children Authority (ASE).



The OSE was chosen for an inclusive housing project for our seniors in Sarcelles.


old age



The Ile-de-France Regional Health Agency has just published for the Val d’Oise the result of a tender for Inclusive Housing for the Elderly and Disabled.

We share with you the great pride to see the OSE project selected following a selection process initiated in January 2020. Our project will be deployed in the city of Sarcelles, as part of a partnership with the social housing branch of the “Caisse des Dépôts et Consignations” (Deposits and Consignments Fund).

Inclusive housing is a form of collective accommodation in very small units or individual accomodation, with collective services. This is a complementary or alternative offer, depending on the situation, to residential establishments for the elderly.

We welcome this new innovative project and we congratulate our teams for working towards its realization, as well as our institutional partners for the confidence they place in us.


2020: 10th anniversary of Civic Service and 5 years of Civic Service in Israel organized by OSE.

The year 2020 marks an important double anniversary: ​​it is both the 10 years of Civic Service, created in 2010, but also and above all the 5 years of “Civic Service in Israel” that the OSE has been organizing every year since 2015, with the departure of several promotions each year.

An anniversary that we are proud to remember and to celebrate as the success of this program is proven and greeted by all. We welcome the growing enthusiasm of young people for their civic engagement and investment in solidarity missions, as well as their enthusiasm for discovering Israel and its culture.

During these 5 years, these are therefore:

> 206 young people who have taken to international volunteering missions, in 12 groups;

> 20 partner NGOs and kibbutz;

> 15 Israeli host cities;

> 4 areas of intervention – early childhood, education, disability or old age;

> 11 values ​​of the Civic Service Charter which unite all the participants in this project.


These 11 values ​​shared by all are:

> Diversity;

> Solidarity, equity and social ties;

> Evolution and the springboard;

> Development and enrichment;

> Respect, listening and sharing;

> Will and initiative;

> Memory and promotion;

> Universality, citizenship and pride;

> Visibility and self-determination;

> Reciprocity, mutual support and meaning;

> Commitment and trust.


Congratulations to all our young people for their work and their academic success in 2020!

We have once again the immense satisfaction of seeing the academic success of young people the OSE is taking care of, especially this year when the context of lockdown has tested our resilience and our capacity to adapt to each and every one of them.

Whether they are young people hosted in our children’s homes, in foster families or in socio-educational centers, many of them again this year have validated the diplomas they were preparing.
Academic or professional diplomas as well as exams for university entry and even success in medical entrance exams were achieved. There is therefore a great diversity of graduates that we warmly congratulate and to whom we send our best wishes for success!

Congratulations also to our teams for their remarkable work in supporting these young graduates, especially during the period of confinement when they demonstrated unfailing professionalism.