This Center is proud to put the skills of its bookbinding workshop at the service of the National Assembly Library in 2017!
The handicapped workers of this workshop, who had already realized the precious renovation of several works, conquered, by the quality of their productions, the confidence of this prestigious institution by winning the bookbinding market for the library of the National Assembly in 2017.
It involves making leather and canvas blankets for several issues of the “Annals of the Chamber of Deputies” and the “Journal Official “, and for archiving collections of issues of the newspapers “Le Monde” and “Le Figaro”.
These delicate jobs require care and professional expertise, all the workers of this workshop were trained thanks to an experienced binder monitor.
When they visited the Assemblée nationale, the workers from OSE were touched to see on the floor the President of the German Bundestag, Wolfgang Schäuble, himself disabled and in a wheel chair since a terrorist attack in 1990.